woensdag 2 november 2011


Right, so everybody knows the Amsterdam electronic scene is great. It's also pretty lame, and getting flatter and dumber by the minute while maintaining a sense of cool that I can't really subscribe to. Thankfully, there are some grungy dudes from the suburbs who have a solution for your hipster-allergy and just BANG with a capital B (also know as the B for Bass, Beats, Brownies and Interactive Installations)

This saturday, november 5th
my dear friends over at Gekkenhuis are re-launching their precious event in Amsterdam at the under-appreciated but very awesome VLLA venue.


It's going to be a full-on 12-hour festival with lots of music, great food, side-events and interactive installations.

The very talented mr. Guiseppe De Bruijn aka Zep aka ReuzeReuze made a lovely promo-mix for the event.

ReuzeReuze - GEKKENHUIS promo by gekkenhuis

Check out the time-table below, with assorted links.

17:30 - 19:00 Inofaith (soundtracky bass-goodness)
19:00 - 21:00 Martin Hooke (wonky beats and DIY beeps)
21:00 - 22:00 Julien Mier (LIVE - eclectic with a dubstep base and smarty pants filling)
22:00 - 23:00 erwtenpeller - War of the worlds (LIVE dubstep MADNESS)
23:00 - 01:00 ReuzeReuze & MegaBonk (random heroes of the LOUD kind)
01:00 - 03:oo T-Mus (happy mash-up kid)


Adriaan de Jongh - Fingle (http://fingleforipad.com/)
Teun Hermsen - Foto-exposition on stranded asylum seekers in Italy
Foploncu (www.foploncu.nl)
Marcus Spaapen - Interactive installation
Gekkenhuis' reading hour

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